Who is the UC Merced Faculty Association (UCMFA)?

We are an independent faculty advocacy group dedicated to representing and advocating for the interests of faculty members at UC Merced. We work towards fostering a supportive academic environment and addressing faculty concerns.

UCM FA compliments work done by UCM academic senate members such as FWAF. As a dues-sponsored organization, however, UCM FA is completely independent and can focus on non-academic issues such as economic and employment-related concerns before various state entities. UC Faculty associations, for example, were instrumental in enacting the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act of 1979.

Who can join the UCMFA?

Membership is open to all senate faculty at UC Merced.

What issues does UCMFA address?

The UCMFA addresses a wide range of issues, including but not limited to academic policies, working conditions, and representation. We aim to ensure fairness, transparency, and inclusivity across all aspects of faculty life.

Is the UCMFA a union?

No, the UCMFA is not a traditional labor union. While we share some common goals of advocating for faculty rights and working conditions, our focus extends beyond collective bargaining to encompass a broader range of issues affecting academic life.

What is expected of UCMFA members?

As little or as much as you want! We encourage active participation from our members but recognize we all have busy schedules. Members can contribute by joining committees, attending meetings, and sharing their insights to help shape the association’s initiatives. Members who have less capacity can help spread information about UCM FA concerns and campaigns, or they can support by simply being dues-paying members.

What do membership dues contribute to?

Membership dues contribute to supporting the operational costs of the UCMFA, including administrative expenses, event organization, and advocacy efforts. These funds play a crucial role in enabling us to effectively represent and address the needs of our members. A portion also enables the UC-wide Faculty Association (CUCFA) to lobby entities relevant to higher education such as UCOP, the UC Regents, and the state capitol.

How can I become a UCMFA member?

To become a member, simply fill out this membership form.

What is CUCFA and how does it relate to UC Merced’s Faculty Association?

The Council of University of California Faculty Associations (CUCFA) is a coordinating and service agency for the several individual Faculty Associations — associations of UC Senate faculty — on the separate campuses of the University of California, and it represents them to all state- or university-wide agencies on issues of common concern. It gathers and disseminates information on issues before the legislative and executive branches of California’s government, other relevant state units dealing with higher education, the University administration, and the Board of Regents. Read more on their website: https://cucfa.org/

Who is leading the UCMFA?

The interim board currently consists of seven members. You can see their information here. After our membership drive, UCM FA members will vote to establish new board members.

Who can I contact for more information?

You can contact us at info@ucmfa.org.